If you want to contribute and donate to my fundraising rides, please have a look at the following projects. Thank you very much for your support. It is very much appreciated.

Current fundraising project:


Previous fundraising projects:

cycling_hak 4.0

To celebrate my 40th birthday, I rode from Germany to France, from 30 July 2021 to 6 August 2021. My goal was to finish in Alpe d’Huez, but on the way I decided to ride over Col du Galibier instead and finished in Valloire. Total distance: 1,189 km, total altitude gained: 10,694 m. Apart from staying in hotels/B&Bs, I rode unsupported, randonneur style.

Instead of giving me gifts, you have supported this epic charity ride with your generous donations in the total amount of €1,326. My goal was to raise €1 per km and you exceeded it! Thank you so much!

1. Give the Power of Bicycles! A fundraising project with World Bicycle Relief. I am trying to raise awareness for how much a bike can mean in a single person’s life, how much it can help people find education in Africa, but also how much it affects mental health in our digitized society.

Please check out my fundraising site: https://join.worldbicyclerelief.org/life-saver/challenge

2. Cycling 4 Future // Let’s protect our forests! A fundraising project with WWF Germany. I am also trying to raise awareness for the destruction and shocking condition of our forests, in Germany, but also worldwide. It is very simple: Nobody wants to live in a desert area and we all need to breathe. Yet we are ignoring the man-made destruction of the soul of our nature which provides us with oxygen and habitat for so many other species. That is why I am supporting WWF Germany.

Please check out my fundraising site: https://actionpanda.wwf.de/cycling_hak/sport

Ambitious 220

See cycling hak’s fundraising page for Ambitious 220 (https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/cycling_hak)